The last week of school is of course the famous Enrichment Week, and for some reason BRGS likes to get rid of everyone on the Wednesday by sending them off to somewhere, for Yr 8 this is Blackpool, for Yr 9 this is Year 9 Camp, for Yr 10 it was Blackpool but is now Work Experience (despite a lot of resistance from Mrs Bowdler), and of course Yr 11s are off on their holidays.
For Year 7s however, BRGS likes to send them to some lake to do a bunch of Scout like activities such as canoeing or archery. Bring a fleece! It is usually very cold and they make you jump in the (freezing) lake at the end.
In the 2019/20 school year, the trip got cancelled, and was going to be replaced on the usual date the year after for the now year 8, but was cancelled because brgs teachers are evil there were too many coronavirus cases in the school.