A school trip scheduled for 19th - 21st of March 2020 and organised by the music department (Mr Davenport was the main man behind it). The trip was postponed on the 16th March 2020 (due to COVID-19) and later cancelled (but then reorganised), due to the unpredictability of the school year ahead. The trip was finally able to take place at a similar date in 2022.
The teachers that journeyed with us were Mr Mercer, Mr Webber, Mr Davenport and Mrs Blyfield.
After cancelling the tour, Mr Davenport put a message on the Google Classroom saying “The Tour that never toured! Come and collect your hoodies and wear them with pride!” The hoodies in question were a shade of “Find Kids in Covent Garden Blue”, ordered by the music department a couple of months before the tour was due to take place. The mad rush that lunch time for people to claim their hoodies resulted in long waiting times outside Mrs Blyfield's Office - some up to 15 minutes.