This is a PSHCE and sociology room located right inside the main entrance to the Newchurch block. It is one of the few classrooms accessible in the sixth form centre but even so is difficult to get to because of all the Sixth Formers trying to get out of the small door in the sixth form entrance.
Room 96 is probably only used by lower school for PSHCE because of a lack of space in the rest of the school. Otherwise, it is known to Sixth Formers as a sociology classroom. Mrs Nelson teaches a lot in this room.
Room 96 is also home to Room 97, the small storage room. 18W got to go in this cupboard during the 2019 terrorist lockdown drill, and decided to film it on their phones, resulting in Mrs Richardson screaming at them "IF THIS WAS REAL YOU'D ALL BE DEAD BY NOW" and this has now become a story this form will pass down through generations and indeed anyone willing to listen.